Deux nouveaux cours au Rhine Educational Center

Deux nouveaux cours au Rhine Educational Center

Le Rhine Education Center, branche pédagogique du Rhine Research Center, lance dès septembre deux nouveaux cours en ligne en anglais. Ces cours sont animés par les parapsychologues Nancy Zingrone et Carlos Alvarado, rompus à l’exercice. L’un porte sur les sorties du corps et les expériences de mort imminente ; l’autre sur les prémonitions et précognitions. Ces cours ne nécessitent pas de pré-requis, hormis celui de parler anglais !

 Description complète

The Wandering Mind: Out of Body and Near Death Experiences
with Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone and Dr. Carlos Alvarado

In this 8 week online course students will be given an in-depth look at the history, features, research, and implication of two related experiences, the out-of-body Experience (OBE) and the near-death experience (NDE). This course will examine the phenomena from the perspective of the experiencers, from the point of view of researchers, and from the point of view of such theorists as Dr. Susan Blackmore, Dr. Olaf Blanke, Dr. Harvey Irwin, Dr. John Palmer, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Pim van Lommel, and many more.

Resources will include specific case studies, website and video references, and readings from the scientific and popular literature. This course is designed for the serious student, but the information will be accessible to anyone with an interest in the phenomena. Besides providing an interesting discussion of OBEs and NDEs, this course will also provide a good grounding for those who wish to contribute to the scientific side of parapsychology.

Dates: Monday, September 16 – Monday, November 4); One class per week.
Time: Monday evenings; 6:30pm – 8:00pm Eastern Time; or watch the recorded classes anytime
Where: Online Course available from your PC
Prerequisites: None required. Introduction to Parapsychology recommended.
Tuition: $199 ($179 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program)

Premonitions and Precognition
with Dr. Carlos Alvarado and Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone

In this 8 week online course students will be given an in-depth look at the way in which parapsychology has investigated the phenomena of time—having intuitions, dreams, and visions of the future, showing the ability to guess targets before they are chosen, and otherwise incorporating the future into experiences, knowing, and understanding in the here and now. Among the topics to be covered will be the history of predictions in mediumship, from Pascal Forthuny’s chair tests in the 1920s to experimental tests of precognition in J. B. Rhine’s card guessing days to precognitive dream telepathy, Ganzfeld and remote viewing studies, to Dean Radin’s, Dick Bierman’s and Julia Mossbridge’s work on presentiment, and of course, Daryl Bem’s most recent work on “feeling the future.” This course will also examine spontaneous precognitions from announcing dreams and apparitions to predictions embedded in intuitions, uncharacteristic behaviors, and visions. Premonitions of disasters and what they say about free will and the malleability of time will conclude the course.

Resources will include specific case studies, website and video references, and readings from the scientific and popular literature. This course is designed for the serious student, but the information will be accessible to anyone with an interest in the phenomena. Besides providing an interesting discussion of premonitions and precognition, this course will also provide a good grounding for those who wish to contribute to the scientific side of parapsychology.

Dates: Wednesday, September 18 – Wednesday, November 6); One class per week.
Time: Wednesday evenings; 6:30pm – 8:00pm Eastern Time; or watch the recorded classes anytime
Where: Online Course available from your PC
Prerequisites: None required. Introduction to Parapsychology recommended.
Tuition: $199 ($179 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program)